Did Ya Notice How Amazing Ants Are?
/Photo by Salmen Bejaoui on Unsplash
You may have heard that ants can carry things much, much heavier than they are. Pretty amazing, huh?
Well, here’s something else cool about ants. Ants can cling to each other and form a raft for themselves in a flood. They can cling together and form a bridge too, and even repair a hole in the bridge with their own bodies! Here is an awesome video about ants. https://www.nytimes.com/video/science/100000002605952/sciencetake-the-physics-of-ants.html
There is nothing that a cooperative colony of ants can’t do. Shouldn’t we humans try to be more like ants?
Conversation Kickstarters
1. How do you regularly cooperate as a family? Does everyone have chores they do? What are they? Do family members help each other out? How? What other things could you do?
2. In what ways do you cooperate with your friends?
3. For teens: When are some times when it is good to cooperate with your friends? When is it a good time to compete? When can you combine cooperation with competition?
4. For young children – Pretend to be ants with your brothers and sisters or your friends and build a bridge with your bodies. Is it fun to cooperate and build something? When else have you cooperated with your family or friends to build something neat?
©2020 Margery Leveen Sher