Did Ya Notice Something New to Celebrate?


This material comes from a book in production entitled The Family Dinner Table Book. Many of us no longer have time for dinner together as a family, but conversation as a family is still extremely important. Even if you eat together once a week, make the time worthwhile. Perhaps your family would title this The Family Sunday Breakfast book, or the Wednesday Pizza Together Book. The important thing is that you establish a regular time to talk together as a family. This book gives you examples of interesting topics, and each topic includes Conversation Kickstarters, which can be made simpler or more complex and used with toddlers to teenagers. I hope this material brings good times and good laughs to your family!

Did Ya Notice Something New to Celebrate?


It is such a good idea to Notice and celebrate small things: things like the first warm day of spring, or a flower with an interesting shape, or smells from a kitchen where someone is making something delicious.

Notice, and have parties to celebrate! People have parties to celebrate holidays and birthdays. But how about a party to celebrate coziness on a winter day, or the first flower of spring, or maybe even just a party to celebrate Tuesday? Why not? Tuesday is a nice day, and not often praised – like Friday is, for instance.

Or just celebrate getting stuff done.  Celebrate being a good friend, and have a Good Friends Party.  Celebrate hearing or seeing something that makes you smile or laugh and have a Good Mood Party.  Celebrate Noticing unusual clouds in the sky and have a party to celebrate beautiful skies.

Parties can be online or in person. Your party can be a simple, just get together some cookies and a drink. Or you can have fun as a family making decorations and planning games. Or you can put on music and dance. You can do anything you can dream up, as long as you are Noticing something good to celebrate!


Give everyone in the family a chance to name one thing they would celebrate with a party. What kind of party would be good for that celebration? Keep going around so everyone can name as many things to Notice and celebrate as they can. Be silly!

If it is my turn, I say:  Celebrate the hard-working trashcan. Where would we be without trashcans? Living in a mess, that’s where! Pull up a chair for it at the table and give it cookies and cake to make up for all the yucky stuff and scratchy papers it usually has to eat!

©2020 Margery Leveen Sher