Did Ya Notice the Broccoli?



This material comes from a book in production entitled The Family Dinner Table Book. Many of us no longer have time for dinner together as a family, but conversation as a family is still extremely important. Even if you eat together once a week, make the time worthwhile. Perhaps your family would title this The Family Sunday Breakfast book, or the Wednesday Pizza Together Book. The important thing is that you establish a regular time to talk together as a family. This book gives you examples of interesting topics, and each topic includes Conversation Kickstarters. I hope this material brings good times and good laughs to your family

Did Ya Notice the Broccoli?

Have you ever Noticed all the repeating patterns in nature?

Look at a head of broccoli. It is made up of a repeating pattern. The head of broccoli is made up of smaller heads of broccoli and those are made up of even smaller heads of broccoli. It’s a repeating pattern. It’s awesome! After all, a head of broccoli could be a big mishmash of stalks and florets, but it’s not. It is a beautiful repeating pattern!

Another example of repeating patterns are trees – the branches come off the trunk and smaller and smaller branches come off those branches. A repeating pattern! There are lots of repeating patterns in Nature – and there are also repeating patterns in the way we do stuff and the way we act. Some patterns are good like fresh, green broccoli. Some patterns need to be changed like old yellowing, dried-out broccoli. What are your patterns?


1.     What is the pattern your family has on a weekday morning? How do you each get up in the morning? How do you have breakfast? What is your pattern for gathering your things for school and work?

2.     Do you like your morning pattern? What part do you like best? What would you like to change in this pattern?

3.     How about the afternoon/evening? What is your pattern for returning home after school or work? What do you do first? Then what? Do you like your pattern? What do you like? What would you like to change?

4.     What other family patterns can you think of?

5.     How can you help each other as a family to have beautiful, fresh broccoli-like patterns that work so well?

©2020 Margery Leveen Sher