Don’t Ho-Hum: Here’s a New Zipper

People often ask me what The Did Ya Notice?® Project is all about. I have said a number of things about it, but I have now come to a succinct response:

Refuse to ho-hum your way through life!

Do you agree that that’s the key? If you Notice the little things, and those are the things that are often really meaningful, you will be able to capture everything life offers you.

Don’t leave anything on the table. Refuse to ho-hum, and capture everything you can on the table of life.

So with that reminder….I will tell you what I am very excited about now.

You may remember that I have a great love of zippers. A zipper is a simple, satisfying invention that works. I am truly crazy about zippers. Zip, zip! What could be more fun?

I like to use the word “zipper” to refer to anything that is simple, satisfying, and works. People have told me things that they consider “zippers”, like their old hand can-opener, or a clear subject line in an email, or of course, the great zip-lock bag. I bet you can think of tons of “zippers” if you give yourself a minute.

Oh dear. Hang on. I just dumped cereal all over the floor. Aha! My little handheld vacuum is a terrific zipper!

Ok, so here’s what I have been thinking about today:

There is a “zipper” that we all use every day (I hope.) In the winter, it warms us up. In the summer, it cools us down. If we have an achy arm or back or shoulder, it makes us feel better. If we feel yucky and gross, it fixes us right up and makes us feel like serene royalty. If we are tone deaf (like me), it turns us into spectacular singers. If we clear our minds, it sometimes allows great ideas to appear.

Yes, my friends, I realize now that the shower is the greatest zipper of all!

Do you agree that the shower is a fabulous zipper? Have you thought about how lucky we are to have showers? Thank the Greeks. They invented a pumping and drainage system that enabled showers to be used widely.

So Notice the zippers in your life every day, and remember:

Never ho-hum about a zipper!

©2015 Margery Leveen Sher

The Noticer’s Guide to Living and Laughing…..Change Your Life Without Changing Your Routine is now available on Amazon, Nook, and iTunesRead the reviews and purchase here.

MARGERY IS AVAILABLE TO KEYNOTE YOUR MEETING OR CONFERENCE with a motivational talk filled with both startling wisdom and humongous laughs:

Notice What You See and Be a Hero at Work