It’s a Wonderful World (With Gratitude for Louis Armstrong)


“Harrumph, the world’s a mess!” you say? Yep. There is a lot of work for each of us to do to try to make it a little better each day. But to maintain our energy and positive focus, I believe it is also important to remember to foster our attitude of gratitude. And this ties in directly with Noticing.

What small and large things can you Notice to be grateful for within the space of one hour or even one minute? I promise you that whatever time you can devote to nurturing your attitude of gratitude through Noticing, is time well spent.

Here is my example. This is what I Noticed with gratitude today between 7am and 9am:

I am grateful for Sunday mornings when I can follow my regular Sunday routine.

I am grateful that I can work out in the fitness center and I have no pain.

I am grateful that I can walk outside on this absolutely beautiful morning.

I am grateful that I can crunch leaves that have fallen on the sidewalk from the just-beginning-to-turn trees.

I am grateful for the wonderful invention of the baseball cap which shields me from the bright sun.

I am grateful for the feeling of the warm sun on my back.

I am grateful that I can summit the mountain (my phrase for walking fast uphill in the city) and have no pulled muscles, stretched tendons, or aching back.

I am grateful that my huffing and puffing seems less than yesterday.

I am grateful for all the joggers, runners, walkers, and eaters of breakfast in outdoor cafes that make the city so vibrant.

I am grateful for the cheery good morning of the homeless man and I am grateful that I have money to give him.

I am grateful that I can end my walk at the huge, beautiful farmers market.

I am grateful for the variety of fruit, vegetables, breads, meat, dairy products, and flowers that I can admire, taste, and sniff at.

I am grateful that I am able to buy whatever strikes my fancy.

I am grateful for the street musicians that enormously enhance the vibe.

I am grateful to the dog chasing a Frisbee in the park because he makes me smile.

I am grateful to the babies in strollers who make me smile even more.

I am grateful that I can return to a home I love and have a delicious fresh breakfast from my purchases at the market.

So….Can you make a pledge to foster your attitude of gratitude? Can you agree that it is, indeed, a wonderful world?

©2017 Margery Leveen Sher

The Noticer’s Guide to Living and Laughing…..Change Your Life Without Changing Your Routine is available on Amazon, Nook, and iTunes.  Read the reviews and purchase here.


MARGERY IS AVAILABLE TO KEYNOTE YOUR MEETING OR CONFERENCE with a motivational talk filled with both startling wisdom and humongous laughs:

Notice What You See and Be a Hero at Work